This is the place, not that building actually.

This is their administration building.

Inside, we have been given opportunities to inspect several types of seeds.

Also an opportunities to count them.

The tray system for transplanting.

Several products of the BARC were also being shown to us.

Everyone on the foot.

On the way to the Hydroponic house, I manage to catch a fish! Dead actually, its smell is hell!

We have arrive at the Hydroponic workshop. Here, we will be feed with lots of important information about hydroponic.

Not only he tour the BARC for us, he also explain the whole things about hydroponic system.

Everyone are taking note of what he said.

My group coordinator is also busy taking note (the one in blue...)

All of us have been introduced with several media or soil which is more efficient on usage on hydroponic system.

A block of tobacco? Lets smoke! Actually its a cocoablock, one of the media.

Other than taking note, its also a camera time~

We also given an opportunity to see live demostration on hydroponic placnting.

After that, its our turn to make a live demostration...

Next stop, err... I don't know the name of this building.

Inside, its cold and there are plant growing in hydroponic system.

Count, how many funny faces can you get from this photo?

At the outside of the building, we pay a visit to several hydroponic house.

After that, we going to this house, an 'apple' house. Actually, 'apple' is the codename of 'tomato' in BARC.

Here, we can pick the tomato and eat it raw. Its quite delicious especially the one which is too red in color.
Next week, we will going again to the BARC for the next level of hydroponic. In the meantime, my stomach growling due to I skip my dinner, time to cook! Bye!
p.s.: click HERE to view the rest of the photo.