Here is the place where the nightmare start, Sengkurong Clinic.
Passing through the heat-detection camera, seems OK!

"Wah, the area inside is so huge!" says for the first-timer for the clinic.

The most relax person (and the most funny...) Hidayah (center)

Dr. Semen?

My number is 48, and the current number is...


Briefing before the injection by Nurse... forget her name already.

Kaka asking the nurse about future complication after receiving the vaccine.

Everyone is busy filling up the form given by the clinic. Inside the form is they permission and our authorities to receive the injection.
Err miss... there is a table which is more convenient outside of the room.

Miss Ruby is chatting with Hidayah to make things smooth, I heard Miss Ruby afraid of injection.
Enough for everyone. Don't worry if there is no more vaccine left, the government are buying it in mass and enough for the whole population of the country.

Impatiently waiting for their nightmare to end.
Smiling before receiving the injection.
OK, here come the serious face. "hey, its not that painfull!"

Getting the medicine after the injection. Only a simple paracetamol.

A stressful moment (maybe)...

The injection room, fail to capture some of the girls when they receive the injection especially c Dayah, hahahaha!

Its time to go home after receiving the injection. So, how is it guys?
Yeah, too bad for me, my vulnerabilities to fever have increase. Forbid from drinking cold water and have to take pills of panadol is suck actually. And also, the rate that I have to suffer from chest pain is also increasing, maybe I should get more sleep! However guys, don't feel afraid to the H1N1 injection because it is life-saver rather than have to die from fever due to lung failure. Ok? Ok! See you for the upcoming post! Bye!
p.s.: more picture HERE!