And this is their place when there is a match.

And this is the name of the place, Safari Bistro Restaurant And Catering.

They served international cuisine such as...

Spaghetti in Bolognaise Sauce.

They also serve ASEAN food such as...

Kolo Mee with Meat. Yummy and Hot!

Having a smoke before the match start, because when the match start...
...makan buleh beranti wah~

SKY comes while waiting for his friend, and his coke...
After a great match, there still time of the night because tomorrow is Sunday, so we just drive randomly and visit several places.

At the Berakas, brainstorming where shall we go next.

At 4 AM, watching the sea at Serasa beach...

...or drawing someone names on its soil.
If my phone have enough battery, I should take more pictures. Writing about picture, you can see it HERE. Sorry for the late update. I take 3 days to make this short post due to my illness. So, satisfied? See you again.