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19 Disember 2009


Today is Saturday and we have practical for the whole day... Grab your hoe and tilt that soil! Wait, its holiday! Lets the hoe rest and we can have our awaiting heaven, relax. So, where shall I go?

Here! To YES!

What is YES? Is it this mouth-watering BBQ chicken wings?

YES is Year End Showcase 2009 which was held around the Sport Area in Berakas, as a one of huge event before the end of the year 2009. This main theme for this expo is 'Motorsport', not 'Food' where...

...huge company like Goh Hok Kee Motors took part and display their cars to the potential customers.

And they bring in their 'big-toy', Mitsubishi Evolution X.

Hey, the Hyundai! I love Hyundai cars!

Another attraction in this Expo is that, local-own-modification car event and the mobile sound-system competition.

Local-customize Nissan SX240. Black is bold!

Sporty Toyota Hilux!

Lining car that compete in this two event.

Toyota Celica. I love the color!

Inside, no more less...

Straight-up back-bumper!

Wondering why they put soo much cotton over the tire~

Mini! Camouflage forest-army version.

Awesome paint job on the door!

Err... tiger strip on the chair? Thats rural!

Honda City.

Mitsubishi Evolution 'yang ke berapa ntah aku pun lupa...'

Toyota Echo with paint job.

Sexy! Err... the one on the door!

Awesome cockpit!

The back chair turn into additional sub-woofer!

Small but when I hear its sound-system, its giant!

Honda ...

'Wild' cockpit!

Red Toyota Echo!

Its cockpit also red!

The back chair are replaced with the red sound system.

Every Expo should have food. What? Do you want for the expo-goers to come around a huge site for a few hours duration and come home hungry? People's stomach is one of the important point for the organiser so that it can attract more people to come and enjoy the expo. So, its lunch-time!

And theres lot of stall to be selected!

And lots of food to be enjoy!

Theres gonna blown the pocket!

Live band entertaining the crowd.

Thief? No, its BARA activities, climbing down the building with rope.

Flying fox!

There also Go-Kart racing around the stadium's parking lot.

Motorsports event is not complete without having bikes to be shown off! Thanks to...

Q-Lab Custom Bike, they ready to feast our eyes with:

Huge motorcycle.


Sport Bikes.


Bikes for 'rempit-ing'.

The expo not only focus on the outside area only, its also held inside the stadium. Lets peek it out! Err... I mean... check it out!

Magic show!

Sports equipment... Exercise actually.

Computer booth.

School bag!

Religious material and traditional medicine booth.

Bracelets, Watches...

Health center!

For BND15, you can dip your feet in this tank for something that is... can't trust it at all.

Home entertainment booth.

Crocodile on sales? No! Its a shoes and slippers shop.

They sell it in different colors.

And in different shape too! Err, this is not for baby, but for phone.

They also have size for everyone, err... maybe.

So, a long journey in and around the expo, but I still have energy to run around. But I have something that is limited which we call time. So, gotta go! Bye!

p.s. the last journey before going to the dorm...

Somewhere in Berakas...
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