Banyaknye pokok pisang!!!
Err... I want to take the mosque picture but miss due to my phone stupid slow saving!
Primary school! But forget the name!!!
Junction to Jalan Kecil Batang Mitus.
A bridge! Err.. What is the purpose I taking the bridge's picture.
Another picture for another bridge!

Tight and hilly road back...
Batang Mitus Primary School!
Goat farm! Its huge...
Paddy field! Err... Grassy version.
Rambutan stall!
Rambutan and jackfruit stall!
Durian stall!
Arriving at school! At last again...
3/4 at the back of the lorry full of rucksacks full with rice hull... A bit cramped.
And now all the rucksacks were transferred to the nursery! End of a good day work!

Tight and hilly road back...

When I get back to the dorm, my favourite drink are being served, Nescafe! Then a good football match which ruined both of my feet... Enjoy the life meh... Hahaha! Bye!
p.s.: closed my heart...
p.s.: closed my heart...