These pictures are taken at the very last day of the first half-semester. Enjoy!
Business goes that well for the NTC3 Food Processing that sold their handmade prepared food such as curry puff (which they owe one to me) and 'popia' (they owe to me and SKY)
Dayah (3 from left) trying to convince the seller for a free gift after buying some of the fried cury puff.
Seller: "Kalau ini macam mau barang free bole bankrap punya..."
Suprise shot! Damn! Khalid (Left) notice it and then give me a good suprise pose...
Syamie (Right): "Apada?" gesturing toward school's Shun Izaki.
First shot: she knows.
Second shot: She don't know... Suzy... Suzy...
Taking some last breath... Or some last shot!!!
Work? Blog? Game? Photoshop? Movie?
Hai Zulf! Sleepy face eh? Or swinging mood face? The DJ feel the tiredness fasting and missing someone....
MOOD GOOD!!!: My Gang; SKY (Left) and Dayah (Center). Kaka Yus (Right), want to be a blogger and join 'My Gang'?
Dayah (3 from left) trying to convince the seller for a free gift after buying some of the fried cury puff.
Seller: "Kalau ini macam mau barang free bole bankrap punya..."
Suprise shot! Damn! Khalid (Left) notice it and then give me a good suprise pose...
Syamie (Right): "Apada?" gesturing toward school's Shun Izaki.
First shot: she knows.
Second shot: She don't know... Suzy... Suzy...
Taking some last breath... Or some last shot!!!
Work? Blog? Game? Photoshop? Movie?
Hai Zulf! Sleepy face eh? Or swinging mood face? The DJ feel the tiredness fasting and missing someone....
MOOD GOOD!!!: My Gang; SKY (Left) and Dayah (Center). Kaka Yus (Right), want to be a blogger and join 'My Gang'?
Although the tiredness from the fasting kill their day, but still, they are more energetic to slay the last day with smile like a star from the heaven... Bye!
p.s.: I should get an expensive camera to take more precised suprise shot!
p.s.: I should get an expensive camera to take more precised suprise shot!