Yesterday, to bless their departure, a Farewell Ceremonies was held in the Workshop Training area.

The ceremonies were attended by all the lecturer from the Agriculture Studies Department, several from the Administration, the Principle and the Technical Assistants.

All food and drinks which is being prepared for this ceremonies was taken from the revenue gain during the Open Day and as well as some addition from the Agriculture Studies Department.

The Vice-Principal giving a speech before the ceremony started.

Some of the Senior and the Junior who attending the ceremony.

A prayer recital by Uztaz Naruddin, the Head of Discipline of Wasan Vocational School.

So, after the prayer~

Its the feast time. Actually, its 'mengaut' time first.

The drink time~

Then eat time~
The Dorm Community also held a farewell ceremonies for the Senior which was held in the Dining Hall and was attended by all the dorm's community.
The Dorm Community also held a farewell ceremonies for the Senior which was held in the Dining Hall and was attended by all the dorm's community.

Farewell speech by the Girl's Dorm Warden, Kaka Aisyah.

The prayer was recite by one of the Senior, Kasah.

The one who responsible on preparing food for this event, a group of strong woman on giving rations to the Dorm communities.

The Dorm Communities also celebrate birthday for all the March-ians. Countlessly, number of them is huge~
To the Senior, goodluck for all your training in the Philippine, may all of you brings flying color home.
p.s.: for more photo, click HERE!
To the Senior, goodluck for all your training in the Philippine, may all of you brings flying color home.
p.s.: for more photo, click HERE!