Allahyarham Izzaturrahman bin Awang Dayang, not only a good friend, we share lots of interest as well as our room in the dorm is just side-by-side.
Allahyarham, although we don't have too much conversation but he treat me well and never turn me down. Although he joke about me once, I never take that matter serious but as a way of cheering the boredom life here.
Allahyarham, although we don't have too much conversation but he treat me well and never turn me down. Although he joke about me once, I never take that matter serious but as a way of cheering the boredom life here.

Allahyarham giving hand on digging a grave for the fallen a weeks ago.
Talking about sharing same interest, both of us are a screamer. What I mean we love screaming type songs which is metal although Allahyarham is more on death while I more on post-hardcore.
Talking about sharing same interest, both of us are a screamer. What I mean we love screaming type songs which is metal although Allahyarham is more on death while I more on post-hardcore.

During the 'Water Crisis in SVW', Allahyarham not only helping us on dissolving the problem, but also store the moment (photography).
Allahyarham was also a good footballer and we have a good time playing the ball with him because he have such a unique skills.
Allahyarham was also a good footballer and we have a good time playing the ball with him because he have such a unique skills.

Before the match day, Allahyarham was seen fixing the net for the takraw practice.

Allahyarham celebrating his roommate birthday.
I pray to Allah for the guidance of Allahyarham in the Hereafter and Allah bestow a blessing and forgiven upon Allahyarham. May The Creator Of The Sun give good fate on you~