New phone! Although its 2nd hand, however the previous owner is a lady and its still in a warranty. Got it for $250. Its investment worthwhile!
This week is the start of hardwork for me and my friend in our practical site. Its now a start for another new crops to be plant and its mean back to square one. But the first day is a bit wet, so what we do is just some maintenance and cutting the grass.

Trying to open the grass-cutting machine blade.

Our labeling stand were removed due to new bed position.

Checking for any faulty part.

Cleaning the garage for the machineries.

Changing the tire of the tiller with smile~ :P

Cutting others people plant!

Pulling the damage tiller with the help of the tractor and...

...several school strongest man... (and some who think their are strong).

Push! Push! err... Pull! Pull!!!
So, the next day, all the people who take Agricultural Science programs were feast with a day trip to Empire Hotel And Country Club. But, the only things that we are going there is just to attend a Think Big 2009/2010 Award. I though of zzz... at that time.
An award? Its a photo opportunities for them!
And for me too!

And possibility of a new couple may emerge.

Waiting at the lobby.

On the way to Indera Kayangan Ballroom.

Signing the logbook.

I'm thinking of something (allowance, burger, dslr camera...) or thinking of someone instead of something...
Unlimited smile!

Unlimited smile... more sweet. XP

Watching the sea at the veranda.

Some angel, some not~

...and some are left behind.

Informal pose...

After the award ceremony end, an extra award ceremony was held.

Bon Apetit time!

Foods are unlimited! Thanks to the management for serving us with delicious food.

And delicious drink. Black coffee that they made is delicious.
Before going home.
Thanks to lecturer-in charge for giving us this opportunity to attend the prestiges award which offer tens thousand worth of cash prize. To check the remaining picture from these 2 events, please kindly click HERE and HERE. By then, I'm now on the go to achieve the platinum! Bye.
p.s.: small-disgusting humor!