This cat is one of the first cat that my family adopted. From his age, he's nearly 6 years old and according to the scientific research, he's already in his old age which make him vulnerable for several infections and diseases.
Today, I will like to brought him to the 'Government' Animal Clinic which is situated in Rimba near to Lambak Kiri Housing Area. This government-run animal health center nearly the same like the Government hospital and clinics.

And the animal too have their health and appointment card, just like human do. However, this card is shared among the animal of one owner. So, for example: if the owner have 30 cats (impossible? but its possible here in Brunei), so the cats have to share 1 card.

In order to transport the sick animal to the health center, several method can be used. For some owner, they will use plastic animal cage. But for me, I always use the plastic basket, cheap and easy to be handle. Some owner used huge steel cage because of the size of their animal. (God, I have seen a cat as huge as a normal human toddler.)

So, if you are using the plastic basket, make sure to put several pieces of old newspaper pages into it and also brings some bundles of newspaper with you because cat sometimes will have a nature call out of nowhere. Do not put food into the basket because everything like hell break lose inside later after sometimes.

So, this is the place. Located at Rimba, near to Lambak Kiri Housing Area, this government facilities have several services for the people. If you are importing cats or any pets from foreign countries, they will be quarantine here. Same like plants too.

This is the building where all the animal are treated.

You can find the Animal Clinic by its sign outside of the building.

But today is my unluckiest day. The clinic closed. I will revisit the clinic this Monday.
This clinic offer the cheapest price in town on healing the animal as well as offer some surgery for only a dollar for one animal. I have try the private clinic and it cost me BND 40 for antibiotics and injections which only cost a dollar here. Also, the medicine provided here is free.